Quick summary of the Secal instruction set and syntax ===================================================== The Secal compiler recognises the followings: - Secal instructions - Assembly (Standard Motorola 68000-68020 assembly instructions, closed by a semicolon, with the Secal syntax of effective addressing (see later). Also the operand separator have been changed to a comma (",") in some special cases, where standard assembly uses something else) - Labels (An identifier followed by a colon, for marking a program location) - Assignments (In the form of "ea := expression ;") >-------------------------------------------------------------------------< Secal instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legend: = to be substituted [xx] = optional xx1, xx2 = repeatable <...> = multiple instructions ... = multiple macro parameters xx | xx = one or the other ea = effective address Conditional execution: IF THEN <...> [ELIF THEN <...>] [ELSE <...>] ; Loops: REPEAT <...> UNTIL ; WHILE DO <...> ; FOR := UPTO | DOWNTO | TO [STEP ] DO <...> ; Macros: DEF [(, , ...)] [= ] ; PATTERN [(, , ...)] IS <...> ENDP ; File inclusion: INCLUDE "" ; INCBIN "" [, , ] ; INCOBJ "" ; INCLIB "" ; Section control: SECTION [, ] ; SECTION [, , [, ]] ; CODE ; CODE_C ; CODE_F ; DATA ; DATA_C ; DATA_F ; BSS ; BSS_C ; BSS_F ; ORG [
] ; Direct code operations: DC [. ] , ; DS [. ] ; DCB [. ] [, , ] ; BLK [. ] [, , ] ; ALIGN [, ] ; Compiler variable: SET = ; Variables, structures: OBJ | DOBJ [, ] : = ; STRUCT | UNION IS <...> ; Control transfer: GO | CALL | GO_cc
; Stack operations: PUSH [. ] , ; POP , ; Parallel assignments: SAFE <...> ; External interface: IMPORT [ AS] , : ; EXPORT , [AS ] ; Compiler options: OPT = ; Effective addressing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M68000 Dn An [An] [An+] [-An] [An+d16] [An+Rn.SIZE+d8] [PC+d16] [PC+Rn.SIZE+d8] [addr.w] [addr.l] const pc, sr, ccr, ssp, usp M68020+ [An+Rn.SIZE*SCALE+d8] [bd+An+Rn.SIZE*SCALE] [[bd+An]+Rn.SIZE*SCALE+od] [[bd+An+Rn.SIZE*SCALE]+od] [PC+Rn.SIZE*SCALE+d8] [bd+PC+Rn.SIZE*SCALE] [[bd+PC]+Rn.SIZE*SCALE+od] [[bd+PC+Rn.SIZE*SCALE]+od] Dx:Dy sfc, dfc, vbr, cacr, caar, msp, isp (ZAn and ZPC can be used to indicate a suppressed base register.) Types ~~~~~ byte .b ubyte .ub word .w uword .uw long .l ulong .ul In the place of these standard types, a new structure/union definition can also be recognised, introduced with the STRUCT or UNION keyword, similar to the STRUCT and UNION instructions. Operators ~~~~~~~~~ +, -, /, * and = &, or = |, xor lsl = <<, lsr = >>, asl, asr, rol, ror, roxl, roxr bchg, bclr, bset inv = ~, - orif = ||, andif = && not = ! >-------------------------------------------------------------------------< Secal.lib ~~~~~~~~~ String functions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ StrLen( str ) -> d0.l=length, a0=stringend StrCopy( source, dest ) -> a0=destend StrCopyM( source, dest, max ) -> a0=destend StrDiff( source, dest ) -> d0=firstdiff/0 StrDiffI( source, dest ) -> d0=firstdiff/0 StrCat( source, dest ) -> a0=destend StrCatM( source, dest, max ) -> a0=destend >-------------------------------------------------------------------------< Extension ~~~~~~~~~ General functions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_Init -> d0=success x_Done Audio functions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_AudioStart( chanmask ) -> d0=success x_Mus_New( modul, chanmask ) -> a0=mus/0 x_Mus_Load( filename, chanmask ) -> a0=mus/0 x_Mus_Dispose( mus ) x_Mus_Play( mus, pos ) x_Mus_Stop( mus) x_Mus_Continue( mus ) x_Mus_Modify( mus, pos, volume ) x_PlaySound( start, length, repstart, replen, channel, period, volume ) x_StopSound( channel ) x_ModifySound( channel, period, volume ) x_PlaySoundQ( pri, start, length, repstart, replen, channel, period, volume ) x_SetFilter( state ) Graphics variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_VBlankCode : ulong x_VBlankCnt : ulong Graphics functions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_GraphicsStart x_Scr_Open( mode, width, height, depth, title, colors, taglist ) -> a0=scr/0 x_Scr_Close( scr ) x_Scr_AddBmp( scr ) -> d0=success x_Scr_ActivateBmp( scr, index, xoffset, yoffset ) x_Scr_GetBmp( scr, index ) -> a0=bmp x_Scr_LoadRGB8( scr, colors, start, count ) x_RGB8Intensity( source, count, dest, intensity, target ) x_Bmp_Alloc( width, height, depth ) -> a0=bmp/0 x_Bmp_Free( bmp ) x_Ani_New( animdata, looping ) -> a0=ani/0, a1=rbg8, d0=numcolors x_Ani_Load( filename, looping ) -> a0=ani/0, a1=rbg8, d0=numcolors x_Ani_Dispose( ani ) x_Ani_DoFrame( ani, bmp, x, y, scr ) -> d0=duration x_Spr_NewGrp( sprarray, sprcnt, flags, depth ) -> a0=sgrp/0 x_Spr_DisposeGrp( sgrp ) x_Spr_Draw( sgrp, destbmp, xoffset, yoffset ) x_Spr_Restore( sgrp, destbmp, bgnd, bgndwidth ) x_Spr_PrepGfx( sgfxarray, sgrp, count ) -> d0=success x_Spr_UnPrepGfx( sgfxarray, count ) x_Spr_ChngGfx( sgfx, spr, nextframe ) x_Spr_CollChk( mode, spr1, spr2 ) -> d0=collission x_Spr_Sort( sgrp, customsort ) x_Spr_CutMsk( spr, data, x, y, width, height ) x_Spr_GrpCutMsk( sgrp, data, x, y, width, height ) x_Spr_AddBgBuf( spr, size ) -> d0=success x_Spr_GrpAddBgBuf( sgrp ) -> d0=success x_Spr_AddMskBuf( spr, size ) -> d0=success x_Spr_GrpAddMskBuf( sgrp ) -> d0=success x_C2P_4( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_4x( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_4xy( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_6( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_6x( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_6xy( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_8( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_8x( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_C2P_8xy( chunky, planar, cwidth, cheight, prowwidth, prowdiff ) x_MakeMask( source, dest, width, height, depth, mplane ) x_ClrBlit( dst, dstw, width, height ) x_MoveBlit( src, srcw, dst, dstw, width, height ) Miscellaneous functions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_Randomize x_Rnd -> d0=random x_LoadFile( filename, memflags ) -> a0=loadedfile, d0.l=size x_UnLoadFile( loadedfile ) x_SetTaskPri( task, pri ) -> d0=oldpri x_RevertTaskPri x_EasyRequest( window, titletxt, bodytxt, gadgettxt ) -> d0=num General system functions callable without a library base: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x_DisplayBeep( scr ) x_Delay( ticks ) x_OwnBlitter x_DisownBlitter x_WaitBlit x_WaitTOF x_VBeamPos -> d0.l=beampos x_WBenchToFront -> d0=success x_WBenchToBack -> d0=success x_OpenWorkbench -> d0=success x_CloseWorkbench -> d0=success >-------------------------------------------------------------------------<